Chapter Activities

Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) – Kenya Chapter

Virtual symposium on enhancing ecological restoration in East Africa: Biodiversity and ecosystem services of a larger Lake Victoria wetland: steps to conserve socio-ecological system of Yala swamp and Rangeland restoration for Hirola, the world most endangered antelope in Kenya during the 2021 calendar.

We got to learn of the challenges the Hirola antelopes were facing coupled with their dwindling numbers which was posing a threat to their existence. We got to see the great initiative Dr Ali had taken upon himself to find a solution to the rapid decline in Hirola population which was because of insufficient fodder.


We also learned that the major reason why there was insufficient fodder was because of poor seeding of the soil thus Dr Ali involved the community to to take the initiative of conserving the Hirola population by creating grass seedbeds for replanting. The community also got involved in opening ground cover by cutting down trees (which were initially cut down by elephants that become extinct in the area) each year to enable regrowth of grass.

Dr Margaret’s presentation on Biodiversity and ecosystem services of a larger Lake Victoria wetland: steps to conserve socio-ecological system of Yala swamp, we got to learn of the dependence on Yala swamp which is a shared resource between two counties which poses pressure to the swamp. We learned of the rich biodiversity the swamp held including the sitatunga antelope. Anthropogenic activities such as burning of papyrus, fishing using mosquito nets, rice farming among other activities within and around the swamp poses a lot of threat to the swamp.


Dr. Margaret sought to find a solution to achieve some major SDG goals through the conservation of the swamp by offering conservation education in schools, growing seedlings and planting trees, mapping out the area to identify the area as a tool for learning and constructing of energy efficient fireplaces among other interventions.

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